Tuesday, April 14, 2009

#6- Going Green.

Recently, I purchased a Diva Cup. I love, love, love it! If the first thing you think is ew...grow up. Really. I purchased the Diva because I was interested in finding an alternative to tampons. After doing a little research on it, I began to think about all the tampons that I had used and what happened to them after I was...*ahem* done. Because the Diva is guaranteed for at least 5 years (I have found testimonials of women who use it beyond then), that's 5 years of no tampons. After going green in that aspect, I have decided to figure out other ways to change my lifestyle.

Here are a couple of things I 've learned. (A lot of these have probably been used before)

1. Reduce how many times you eat out. Think about all the trash you accumulate for going out for ice cream? For burgers? Today, while I was waiting on the bus, I saw 4 people holding those paper coffee cups which will wind up in the trash as soon as they are done, and one guy had a giant slurpee cup. All of that trash? I'm not sure on biodegradability, but something tells me that all those containers will be around for a while. Plus you'll be saving yourself a lot of money by just getting your foodstuffs from the grocery, and buying reusable cups.

2. Stop drinking Soda and bottled water. Again, it's waste issue. Think about all that plastic that accumulates from drinking sodas? If at all necessary, use a reusable cup in a cafeteria setting.

3. Reduce your intake of red meats, fish and pork. I'm not saying go vegetarian (though it is healthier for you), but still it take a lot of our resources to raise these animals to feed everyone. Eat more vegetables, it's good for you and you are helping the environment.

4. Buy local. The less gas and transportation your food needs the better for the environment.

5. Walk. If it's within walking distance, why drive/ take the bus? Riding your bike or walking will help you get into shape an burn off excess calories. This includes walking up stairs, because using the elevator burns energy that could be saved. Think about all the weight you'll lose?

This is definitely a work in progress. Just looking around my room, I can see a ton of office paper that need recycling. I'm still trying to do with empty nontraditional bottles (like nyquil and lotion bottles). But am working on it. Help save our planet!!


  1. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!

  2. Hi, randomly found your blog and read all the posts because it's interesting. You're doing great so I hope you stay with it.
